a - A. Gonzales pinch hit for J. Lamkin in the 5th
b - J. Johnson pinch hit for R. Alvarez in the 5th
c - V. Gomez substituted for T. Crawford in the 5th
d - B. Garrett substituted for D. Morrison in the 5th
e - R. Olmo substituted for J. Munoz in the 5th
f - G. Stevens substituted for G. Sorenson in the 5th
g - R. Alvarez substituted for E. Lopez in the 5th
h - A. Dietz pinch hit for A. Pagan in the 8th
i - W. Haines pinch hit for A. Gonzales in the 9th
j - M. Overton pinch hit for J. Johnson in the 10th
k - J. Griffin pinch hit for A. Dietz in the 10th
A. Gonzales
(8, 5th Inning off A. Rico, 0 on, 0 outs)
V. Gomez
(3, 11th Inning off M. Parra, 0 on, 0 outs)
Home Runs:
J. Munoz
(2, 3rd Inning off J. Hamel, 0 on, 0 outs)
Total Bases:
J. Lamkin
A. Gonzales
J. Munoz
J. Williams
G. Sorenson
R. Alvarez
A. Pagan
V. Gomez
Runners left in scoring position, 2 outs:
J. Lamkin
J. Williams
A. Pagan
R. Alvarez
Sac Fly:
W. Haines
Hit by Pitch:
R. Olmo
Team LOB:
R. Olmo
V. Gomez
a - L. Guzman substituted for G. Hollingsworth in the 5th
b - P. Casales substituted for D. Preston in the 5th
c - R. Giardina substituted for M. McNamara in the 6th
d - J. Nunez pinch hit for S. Sanchez in the 6th
e - B. Patrick pinch hit for R. Wilson in the 6th
f - E. Escobar pinch hit for R. Parker in the 6th
g - D. Silva inserted as DH in the 7th
h - D. Martin pinch hit for J. Dorsey in the 8th
i - J. Kenealy pinch hit for L. Guzman in the 9th
j - D. Thompson pinch hit for I. Escalante in the 10th
k - B. Shipley pinch hit for D. Martin in the 11th
Home Runs:
D. Preston
(3, 4th Inning off Y. Yun, 1 on, 2 outs)
B. Shipley
(2, 11th Inning off J. Velasquez, 0 on, 0 outs)
J. Nunez
(1, 11th Inning off J. Velasquez, 0 on, 1 out)
Total Bases:
M. McNamara
J. Nunez
B. Patrick
R. Parker
D. Preston
B. Shipley
2-out RBI:
D. Preston
Runners left in scoring position, 2 outs:
G. Hollingsworth
E. Escobar
Sac Bunt:
S. Sanchez
Team LOB:
J. Dorsey
Double Plays:
1 (Preston-Dorsey-Preston)