Strange Offseason Workout Leads to Success for Marin
Thursday, September 5th , 2080
Sugar Land Skeeters' second baseman Jose Marin has not been sitting around doing nothing this offseason. Instead he has been putting in long hours building up his strength, but not in the way you might think. Said Jose, "I haven't put a minute of time in at the gym. Instead I've been doing my best Rocky IV montage by spending the offseason chopping wood, running up snow-covered mountains, and lifting rocks - seriously. I just hate the gym atmosphere and really needed the time away from it all."
Despite the unusual workout regimen, Marin insists he is in the best shape of his life. Sugar Land Skeeters manager Casey Dill agrees. "I ran into Jose last week and he is absolutely ripped. I'm excited to get to spring training and see what he can do."