a - P. Leal pinch hit for D. Fernandez in the 7th
b - T. Edwards substituted for P. Leal in the 7th
c - S. Tague pinch hit for G. Sanders in the 8th
d - J. Gonzalez substituted for S. Tague in the 8th
e - A. Navarro inserted as DH in the 9th
f - D. Spahr pinch hit for J. Dominguez in the 10th
g - D. Vasquez pinch hit for D. McEldowney in the 10th
h - N. Metcalf pinch hit for J. Gonzalez in the 10th
i - C. Irizarry substituted for D. Spahr in the 10th
j - F. Esparza substituted for D. Vasquez in the 10th
k - M. Donahue substituted for N. Metcalf in the 10th
l - E. Sullivan substituted for S. Vasquez in the 11th
G. Sanders
(2, 6th Inning off D. Goram, 0 on, 0 outs)
N. Metcalf
(2, 10th Inning off J. Gompert, 0 on, 2 outs)
Home Runs:
N. Thrash
(2, 6th Inning off D. Goram, 1 on, 1 out)
A. Navarro
(1, 11th Inning off M. O'Reilly, 0 on, 1 out)
Total Bases:
D. McEldowney
G. Sanders
N. Metcalf
S. Vasquez
N. Thrash
K. Cooper
A. Navarro
M. Hughes
T. Edwards
Runners left in scoring position, 2 outs:
S. Vasquez
N. Thrash
K. Cooper
Team LOB:
D. McEldowney
K. Cooper
Double Plays:
1 (Cooper-McEldowney)
a - A. Boyle pinch hit for R. Haley in the 6th
b - B. Goodhall substituted for A. Boyle in the 7th
c - G. Padget inserted as DH in the 8th
d - S. McCord pinch hit for B. Goodhall in the 8th
e - B. Moore substituted for S. McCord in the 9th
f - M. Engdahl pinch hit for T. Juarez in the 9th
g - D. Cuautle pinch hit for J. Ortega in the 9th
h - C. del Cid pinch hit for A. Perry in the 9th
i - C. Brown substituted for M. Engdahl in the 10th
j - D. Reyes substituted for D. Cuautle in the 10th
k - J. Gutierrez substituted for C. del Cid in the 10th
l - A. Mendez pinch hit for B. Moore in the 10th
m - N. Konishi substituted for A. Mendez in the 11th
n - T. Marquez pinch hit for D. Reyes in the 11th
o - J. Snyder pinch hit for J. Gutierrez in the 11th
Home Runs:
S. Jarrell
2 (5, 5th Inning off A. Davis, 0 on, 0 outs; 7th Inning off T. Langham, 0 on, 1 out)
Total Bases:
A. Mendez
A. Antonucci
C. Brown
S. Jarrell
G. Padget
Runners left in scoring position, 2 outs:
A. Antonucci
J. Ortega
C. del Cid
G. Padget
Hit by Pitch:
N. Fillmore
R. Escamilla
Team LOB:
N. Fillmore
N. Fillmore