BNN Stats: Starting Pitching Rookie Leaders
Monday, January 2nd , 2108
So, which rookie starting pitchers are leading the Gulf Coast Rookie League in home runs given up?
Ruben Gutiorroz, RWAS, 13 Angelo Chavez, GSL, 11 Francisco Caban, DAN, 10 Willie Medina, RWAS, 10 Bobby Smans, RWAS, 10
BNN Stats: Starting Pitching Rookie Leaders
Monday, December 26th , 2107
So, which rookie starting pitchers are leading the Gulf Coast Rookie League in complete games?
Chris Dorsey, GHOU, 2 Jeremy George, GRE, 2 Elard Spierenburg, GHOU, 2 Angelo Chavez, GSL, 1 Dusty Cosand, RBAL, 1
BNN Stats: Career Batting Leaders
Monday, December 19th , 2107
So, who is the leader in the Gulf Coast Rookie League in career intentional walks?
Miguel Delgado, -, 20 Jim Albers, -, 14 Brett Langhorne, -, 14 Ajani Marshall, -, 14 Mike Rosso, -, 14