League History Index | Players | Teams | Managers | Leagues | Leaderboards | Awards | Accomplishments
AA : Stats & Leaders - Batting Register - Pitching Register - Fielding Register - Positional Leaderboards
Rookies - Drafted Players - Transactions Log - Injury Log
Gareth Adams 2097-2097 95 322 71 82 16 2 37 80 3 0 67 120 .255 .383 .661 1.045
Gerardo Alvarado 2097-2098 132 446 48 105 18 0 19 69 9 1 52 123 .235 .320 .404 .724
Jose Alvarez 2097-2098 109 342 26 60 9 2 5 25 4 3 37 102 .175 .261 .257 .518
Leo Analla 2097-2098 88 299 31 65 15 0 3 30 1 0 21 66 .217 .269 .298 .567
Bobby Aredondo 2097-2097 33 119 13 27 7 0 1 9 3 1 9 34 .227 .287 .311 .598
Bob Armas 2097-2097 95 366 71 96 17 3 12 42 20 4 55 81 .262 .361 .423 .784
Bill Arroyo 2097-2098 117 393 59 92 25 4 7 33 12 2 56 98 .234 .343 .372 .715
Matt Augenstein 2097-2097 3 8 1 3 1 0 0 1 0 1 2 2 .375 .500 .500 1.000
Joe Baker 2097-2097 97 379 61 96 24 2 16 39 4 2 39 84 .253 .329 .454 .782
Danny Barajas 2097-2098 183 680 103 195 42 0 31 90 0 2 55 94 .287 .348 .485 .833
Jeremy Bert 2097-2098 16 34 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 10 .000 .056 .000 .056
Cesar Bolhuis 2097-2097 28 80 9 18 4 0 4 8 0 0 7 23 .225 .292 .425 .717
Marco Bosquez 2097-2097 38 73 12 19 5 0 4 11 5 0 10 23 .260 .349 .493 .843
Mike Butts 2097-2098 99 333 41 76 19 3 2 36 5 0 27 77 .228 .299 .321 .620
Danny Carreon 2097-2097 92 338 46 84 17 1 17 47 3 0 34 101 .249 .316 .456 .771
A.J. Charles 2097-2097 3 12 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 7 .083 .083 .083 .167
Travis Christensen 2097-2097 41 134 8 27 5 0 1 8 2 0 4 49 .201 .239 .261 .501
Willie Cisneros 2097-2098 103 392 59 90 19 1 22 56 0 1 45 98 .230 .310 .452 .761
Jose Claudio 2097-2097 96 337 76 86 9 2 44 96 9 3 59 140 .255 .364 .685 1.050
Jose Colindres 2097-2097 8 26 3 5 2 0 1 3 0 0 1 6 .192 .214 .385 .599
Ryan Corriveau 2097-2098 40 131 22 37 5 1 3 17 1 0 9 31 .282 .326 .405 .731
Jake Cox 2097-2097 87 313 49 93 24 1 20 57 1 0 30 77 .297 .363 .572 .935
C.J. Croft 2097-2097 89 329 46 76 18 3 15 51 8 3 31 90 .231 .297 .441 .737
Alfredo de Nova 2097-2097 75 284 37 82 11 0 19 62 0 0 30 87 .289 .359 .528 .888
Frank Deschamps 2097-2098 139 511 87 147 36 4 27 85 13 3 48 135 .288 .363 .532 .896
Raul Diaz 2097-2097 16 35 6 7 0 0 2 4 0 0 2 10 .200 .243 .371 .615
Mike Donner 2097-2097 96 346 51 92 25 2 15 49 0 1 34 101 .266 .338 .480 .817
Philip Dulihanty 2097-2097 38 126 18 28 9 0 3 13 2 0 15 31 .222 .315 .365 .680
Josh DuPriest 2097-2097 60 217 33 52 11 3 9 29 1 1 36 41 .240 .350 .442 .793
Carlos Duque 2097-2097 3 6 1 2 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 2 .333 .333 .500 .833
Danny Espinosa 2097-2097 28 82 11 16 2 0 7 13 0 0 9 29 .195 .287 .476 .763
Andy Ethridge 2097-2097 93 368 46 83 11 0 11 34 2 0 44 116 .226 .310 .345 .655
Roberto Fallas 2097-2098 184 664 86 164 33 0 40 100 2 1 72 184 .247 .323 .477 .800
Matt Fehlman 2097-2098 191 753 111 213 34 4 56 183 8 6 40 166 .283 .318 .562 .879
Steve Ferguson 2097-2097 90 343 66 100 28 4 17 48 14 2 34 95 .292 .357 .545 .902
Ed Figueroa 2097-2097 79 281 24 68 14 1 6 24 2 2 21 70 .242 .304 .363 .667
Ron Finnegan 2097-2098 110 386 40 112 15 1 8 39 1 3 25 86 .290 .337 .396 .733
Miguel Flores 2097-2098 107 409 45 82 27 3 2 32 24 7 49 104 .200 .287 .296 .583
Rogelio Flores 2097-2097 56 160 11 18 4 1 0 10 1 1 17 62 .113 .197 .150 .347
David Fogt 2097-2098 196 778 133 208 34 0 51 142 5 4 82 189 .267 .339 .508 .846
Martin Fornes 2097-2097 12 30 4 5 1 0 0 0 2 0 6 10 .167 .324 .200 .524
Pat Fry 2097-2097 95 371 52 100 14 0 16 48 0 0 40 80 .270 .349 .437 .786
Alexis Garay 2097-2097 41 132 7 34 3 0 0 11 3 2 10 33 .258 .315 .280 .595
Juan Gonsales 2097-2098 192 672 139 172 26 0 82 177 1 0 130 219 .256 .386 .661 1.047
Billy Gonzales 2097-2097 1 3 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 2 .000 .200 .000 .200
Neil Guerrieri 2097-2097 96 371 54 88 21 5 16 61 5 2 24 84 .237 .284 .450 .734
Malcolm Harris 2097-2098 49 121 13 27 5 0 2 7 0 0 10 31 .223 .286 .314 .600
David Herrera 2097-2097 75 282 28 65 11 2 5 34 0 0 23 73 .230 .297 .337 .634
Lou Hill 2097-2097 95 337 41 83 20 1 10 37 1 1 31 77 .246 .330 .401 .730
Jiro Hirayama 2097-2097 93 356 62 95 23 1 6 38 16 3 39 67 .267 .353 .388 .741
Matt Houseknecht 2097-2098 108 341 56 100 16 0 16 60 1 0 40 90 .293 .374 .481 .855
Matt Hudson 2097-2098 133 401 54 125 18 0 12 44 0 0 45 80 .312 .381 .446 .828
Ben Janis 2097-2097 77 271 25 62 7 0 7 26 1 0 22 70 .229 .287 .332 .619
Alex Jarquin 2097-2098 164 603 95 191 50 0 27 104 2 0 65 139 .317 .382 .534 .916
Juan Jeminez 2097-2097 53 205 24 42 9 0 3 17 2 0 24 50 .205 .288 .293 .580
Mario Jorge 2097-2097 28 88 10 17 5 0 5 11 1 1 8 37 .193 .263 .420 .683
Nate Keene 2097-2098 111 385 64 92 10 1 37 82 0 0 50 138 .239 .330 .558 .888
Konrad Kempen 2097-2098 147 571 47 128 31 0 0 35 12 2 21 114 .224 .255 .278 .534
Jason Kingman 2097-2098 128 494 63 135 25 1 6 45 1 0 72 87 .273 .372 .364 .736
Mike Kreider 2097-2098 148 543 123 136 11 1 68 117 10 3 95 184 .250 .361 .650 1.011
Gene Lancey 2097-2098 22 35 8 9 2 0 1 5 2 0 2 18 .257 .297 .400 .697
Brian Lee 2097-2097 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 .000 .000 .000 .000
Ivan Llamas 2097-2098 129 429 52 90 19 1 4 37 12 6 73 124 .210 .327 .287 .614
Wilson Long 2097-2097 4 8 1 1 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 2 .125 .111 .250 .361
Jon Losacco 2097-2098 100 349 46 85 23 2 6 37 4 2 27 90 .244 .297 .372 .670
Sansan Loureiro 2097-2097 38 118 10 21 3 0 2 9 0 0 13 24 .178 .258 .254 .512
Javier Luciano 2097-2098 153 559 91 151 35 1 16 53 8 5 103 150 .270 .388 .422 .810
Steve Malone 2097-2098 43 97 10 21 2 1 2 12 0 0 15 18 .216 .316 .320 .635
David Martinez 2097-2097 73 302 50 80 16 2 6 29 22 2 29 83 .265 .333 .391 .724
Tim Mayfield 2097-2097 2 7 1 2 1 0 0 3 0 0 0 1 .286 .286 .429 .714
Bobby McAlexander 2097-2098 194 708 83 176 40 2 20 79 5 2 79 179 .249 .322 .395 .717
Rory McMullen 2097-2097 95 404 65 118 25 4 13 60 38 11 28 94 .292 .341 .470 .811
Bernaldin Meunier 2097-2097 77 268 28 64 10 0 9 32 0 0 28 71 .239 .326 .377 .703
Enrique Morales 2097-2097 49 70 18 17 0 1 7 15 2 0 8 23 .243 .329 .571 .901
Dan Najarian 2097-2098 191 779 146 263 68 7 40 126 35 5 63 124 .338 .387 .597 .984
Victor Nunez 2097-2098 160 547 61 145 31 7 2 44 16 2 50 133 .265 .328 .358 .686
Jose Orozco 2097-2097 2 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 .000 .000 .000 .000
Danny Pacheco 2097-2098 69 243 39 53 10 0 14 41 1 0 26 67 .218 .305 .432 .738
Crispino Pastorelli 2097-2098 187 725 104 198 51 6 24 99 6 4 41 122 .273 .325 .459 .785
Wilson Perez 2097-2097 68 172 13 31 8 0 4 11 1 2 12 54 .180 .241 .297 .537
Edgar Petim 2097-2097 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 .000 .000 .000 .000
Jake Rehkopf 2097-2098 192 743 125 226 62 7 40 129 19 8 71 183 .304 .373 .568 .941
Tony Roque 2097-2097 13 30 5 10 4 0 0 3 0 0 6 10 .333 .444 .467 .911
Ruben Sahagun 2097-2098 166 568 76 143 47 3 6 62 29 9 63 144 .252 .331 .377 .708
Angelo Salasar 2097-2097 80 327 54 74 16 3 7 33 16 2 38 76 .226 .304 .358 .662
Jonathan Salgado 2097-2098 52 172 17 45 11 1 0 17 1 1 23 38 .262 .355 .337 .693
Marco Sanchez 2097-2098 10 26 2 7 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 4 .269 .296 .308 .604
Vinny Sandoval 2097-2097 5 20 2 6 0 0 0 0 1 3 1 5 .300 .333 .300 .633
Guillermo Santiago 2097-2097 93 345 34 68 18 1 5 16 3 2 21 87 .197 .245 .299 .544
Frans Schuiling 2097-2098 78 174 25 47 9 0 3 24 1 0 25 47 .270 .383 .374 .757
Hector Servantes 2097-2097 88 276 40 75 12 0 19 52 0 0 33 85 .272 .350 .522 .872
Nigel Smoot 2097-2098 136 484 50 128 37 4 1 40 8 8 25 118 .264 .305 .364 .668
Jimmy Stanic 2097-2097 55 198 28 50 15 1 14 39 0 0 20 64 .253 .329 .551 .879
Mike Sterken 2097-2098 188 718 125 202 30 0 46 137 10 4 107 178 .281 .372 .515 .887
Jonathan Stooksberry 2097-2097 93 327 48 83 19 2 15 45 9 3 60 107 .254 .384 .462 .846
Steve Stossel 2097-2097 96 347 58 99 16 1 25 63 0 2 31 87 .285 .344 .553 .897
Cody Strauss 2097-2097 31 108 13 28 11 0 3 13 0 0 3 30 .259 .283 .444 .728
Nick Strayer 2097-2098 183 696 114 187 38 1 34 104 5 2 64 182 .269 .332 .473 .804
Pedro Torres 2097-2097 87 303 33 68 18 1 7 33 3 8 31 74 .224 .312 .360 .672
Bobby Tsutsui 2097-2097 82 326 61 102 16 1 21 61 0 0 33 90 .313 .377 .561 .939
Danny Vazquez 2097-2098 32 103 13 31 3 0 4 13 0 0 1 27 .301 .308 .447 .755
Luis Vazquez 2097-2097 91 303 33 80 5 2 3 31 2 3 42 60 .264 .361 .323 .684
Eddie Veles 2097-2098 137 509 70 135 26 5 18 59 3 2 34 111 .265 .313 .442 .755
Danny Vicioso 2097-2097 41 91 11 21 4 1 3 11 0 0 20 27 .231 .366 .396 .762
Connor Vincent 2097-2097 95 357 71 91 11 1 44 96 1 2 37 131 .255 .329 .661 .990
Randy White 2097-2098 186 704 110 175 22 4 61 125 7 7 76 252 .249 .332 .551 .883
Chris Adkins 2097-2097 1 1 .500 7.47 5 2 0 0 0 15.2 17 13 5 3 11
Marc Anderson 2097-2097 4 5 .444 5.40 21 19 0 0 0 95.0 103 57 10 42 69
David Ayala 2097-2098 10 10 .500 4.41 31 31 1 1 0 177.2 170 87 29 68 153
Young-kyoo Bai 2097-2097 1 1 .500 10.12 2 2 0 0 0 8.0 10 9 5 1 6
Matt Beck 2097-2098 3 6 .333 4.29 25 14 0 0 0 84.0 66 40 13 48 94
Josh Binns 2097-2098 4 1 .800 2.87 26 3 0 0 0 59.2 34 19 3 39 76
Jeremy Blake 2097-2097 6 3 .667 1.87 36 0 0 0 3 53.0 34 11 5 16 59
Edwin Blanco 2097-2098 4 3 .571 3.99 49 6 0 0 0 88.0 77 39 9 40 96
Tony Borges 2097-2097 4 2 .667 4.18 42 3 0 0 4 64.2 73 30 10 23 55
Zachary Boston 2097-2097 3 3 .500 2.95 41 0 0 0 5 58.0 36 19 9 15 79
Johnny Buse 2097-2098 4 3 .571 5.77 12 7 0 0 0 43.2 67 28 4 13 32
Jesus Campos 2097-2098 9 9 .500 3.95 30 23 0 0 0 134.1 117 59 13 43 110
Juan Canedo 2097-2097 2 3 .400 4.10 29 4 0 0 2 59.1 51 27 8 15 45
Jon Capps 2097-2097 8 4 .667 3.18 26 15 0 0 6 93.1 74 33 18 12 79
Rich Cerda 2097-2098 16 6 .727 2.98 38 38 1 1 0 214.1 185 71 16 70 211
Joey Church 2097-2097 2 1 .667 3.46 9 7 0 0 0 39.0 39 15 4 7 27
Pat Coppinger 2097-2098 12 6 .667 2.84 48 28 0 0 7 177.2 139 56 17 40 157
John Coulombe 2097-2098 3 7 .300 3.69 84 0 0 0 5 102.1 81 42 15 63 133
Rafael de la Cruz 2097-2098 11 4 .733 3.72 55 14 0 0 0 138.0 124 57 16 62 131
Ray Draus 2097-2098 8 8 .500 5.91 56 20 0 0 5 131.0 141 86 32 59 145
Steve Fagan 2097-2098 4 4 .500 3.13 39 0 0 0 2 54.2 58 19 10 16 63
Josh Forestieri 2097-2098 0 2 .000 6.84 32 0 0 0 1 48.2 55 37 9 23 53
Chad Gangloff 2097-2098 10 12 .455 4.78 45 26 1 1 0 192.0 218 102 30 47 124
Miguel Gomez 2097-2097 3 6 .333 4.68 43 0 0 0 9 59.2 64 31 12 9 65
Orlando Gomez 2097-2097 9 4 .692 2.84 20 20 0 0 0 107.2 77 34 8 45 112
Antonio Gonzalez 2097-2098 5 7 .417 4.79 51 0 0 0 9 67.2 65 36 7 22 68
Danny Gonzalez 2097-2098 16 3 .842 3.86 70 13 0 0 14 147.0 134 63 15 46 126
Luis Gracia 2097-2097 0 0 .000 6.89 18 0 0 0 0 31.1 30 24 3 21 28
Hector Grafals 2097-2098 0 0 .000 3.21 16 0 0 0 1 28.0 27 10 3 9 31
Sam Henighan 2097-2097 1 2 .333 3.57 12 0 0 0 2 22.2 23 9 3 6 26
Chad Hilber 2097-2097 2 2 .500 7.67 8 7 0 0 0 31.2 43 27 5 14 40
Justin Howell 2097-2098 8 9 .471 4.22 55 20 0 0 2 168.1 167 79 31 37 155
Jorge Interiano 2097-2097 4 9 .308 6.54 23 17 0 0 0 85.1 121 62 15 52 53
Max Klotz 2097-2097 2 4 .333 4.69 37 1 0 0 3 55.2 51 29 9 30 82
Oscar Lara 2097-2098 8 11 .421 5.80 55 23 0 0 7 161.1 172 104 29 56 188
Laurentij Larichkin 2097-2098 14 10 .583 4.39 41 41 0 0 0 227.2 223 111 33 52 172
Eric Lehman 2097-2098 19 10 .655 3.40 40 40 0 0 0 211.2 210 80 15 70 162
Jorge Madrid 2097-2098 3 1 .750 3.25 40 0 0 0 1 61.0 33 22 12 16 88
Ryan Mann 2097-2098 9 8 .529 3.27 87 2 0 0 16 126.2 98 46 18 42 170
Matt Maudsley 2097-2097 7 6 .538 5.57 22 18 0 0 2 103.1 113 64 18 52 98
Santos Medina 2097-2097 0 3 .000 4.71 8 4 0 0 0 28.2 37 15 6 9 25
Ramon Mena 2097-2098 9 13 .409 5.55 49 30 0 0 2 202.2 226 125 46 57 226
Chad Messere 2097-2098 4 5 .444 2.66 85 0 0 0 28 108.1 77 32 14 36 139
Sal Molina 2097-2098 8 14 .364 4.68 44 20 0 0 0 140.1 111 73 18 63 208
Omar Monarez 2097-2098 4 5 .444 5.33 96 1 0 0 2 147.0 115 87 32 73 217
Jesus Morales 2097-2098 5 3 .625 4.57 40 6 0 0 1 82.2 79 42 23 24 62
Mario Moreno 2097-2097 7 4 .636 3.56 20 20 0 0 0 118.2 103 47 25 23 130
Guillermo Mota 2097-2097 5 6 .455 4.50 16 13 0 0 0 76.0 75 38 10 20 52
Travis Myers 2097-2098 3 1 .750 2.78 80 0 0 0 2 123.0 87 38 13 68 164
Marcus Orecchio 2097-2098 4 10 .286 4.95 48 15 0 0 1 132.2 125 73 26 39 121
Leo Ortiz 2097-2097 1 1 .500 6.04 11 3 0 0 1 28.1 28 19 6 11 22
Jorge Padilla 2097-2098 4 5 .444 4.20 20 12 0 0 0 83.2 88 39 12 44 73
Chris Parker 2097-2098 10 9 .526 5.34 45 17 0 0 2 121.1 137 72 19 40 111
Alberto Pimentel 2097-2098 5 6 .455 4.46 22 22 0 0 0 105.0 108 52 14 55 110
Jesse Robinson 2097-2097 2 1 .667 3.97 20 0 0 0 0 34.0 29 15 6 15 29
Tyler Robinson 2097-2097 1 11 .083 9.75 26 13 0 0 7 68.1 101 74 8 39 36
Santos Robles 2097-2098 16 13 .552 4.65 42 39 0 0 0 205.0 200 106 31 60 167
Cruz Ruiz 2097-2098 9 7 .562 4.76 57 18 0 0 1 158.2 149 84 47 54 218
Jonathan Salgado 2097-2098 5 2 .714 2.11 44 0 0 0 5 59.2 39 14 4 18 79
Terry Schneider 2097-2097 4 6 .400 6.59 15 13 0 0 0 69.2 95 51 7 21 44
Joe Slayton 2097-2098 9 6 .600 4.70 29 19 0 0 1 120.2 115 63 22 37 109
Phil Steward 2097-2097 2 1 .667 5.01 33 0 0 0 1 46.2 46 26 4 21 37
Danny Strong 2097-2098 16 7 .696 4.33 52 30 0 0 2 197.1 188 95 37 55 232
Tony Tanse 2097-2098 4 3 .571 5.52 25 8 1 0 1 75.0 87 46 10 36 64
A.J. Tizzard 2097-2097 1 1 .500 3.86 2 2 0 0 0 11.2 9 5 2 6 14
Adam Tucker 2097-2097 3 2 .600 7.65 20 3 0 0 0 37.2 42 32 13 20 47
Rich Valente 2097-2097 5 2 .714 4.53 29 7 0 0 0 59.2 56 30 6 37 75
Raul Vasquez 2097-2097 3 7 .300 7.45 43 2 0 0 0 67.2 69 56 17 44 96
Willie Vasquez 2097-2098 9 11 .450 4.48 61 17 0 0 3 146.2 109 73 21 87 236
Jason Verge 2097-2098 2 5 .286 4.96 29 14 0 0 0 89.0 84 49 16 28 106
Jose Villarreal 2097-2097 2 3 .400 6.55 51 0 0 0 1 68.2 78 50 11 34 72
Bobby Walker 2097-2098 13 10 .565 4.33 36 28 1 1 4 178.2 164 86 27 60 184
Jonathan Wise 2097-2098 5 4 .556 5.25 54 4 0 0 4 84.0 77 49 19 49 111
Josh Witzel 2097-2098 7 13 .350 4.35 65 16 0 0 3 149.0 117 72 26 62 180
Alex Zuniga 2097-2097 3 4 .429 4.22 22 6 0 0 6 49.0 45 23 15 20 42
181 Players
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