Most Valuable Player Award |
Keiran Rawnsley |
.363/.437/.642, 433 AB, 27 HR, 1 SB, 102 R, 127 RBI, 5.1 WAR |
Pitcher of the Year Award |
John Most |
9-2, 18 SV, 2.36 ERA, 91.2 IP, 0.89 WHIP, 12.2 K/9, 2.9 WAR |
Reliever of the Year |
John Most |
9-2, 18 SV, 2.36 ERA, 91.2 IP, 0.89 WHIP, 12.2 K/9, 2.9 WAR |
Platinum Stick Award |
Catcher Corey Spade |
.000/.000/.000, 0 HR, 0 RBI, 0.0 WAR |
First Base Dustin Dunigan |
.302/.389/.567, 35 HR, 124 RBI, 4.0 WAR |
Second Base Chris Yancey |
.369/.400/.454, 2 HR, 76 RBI, 4.1 WAR |
Third Base Tom Enfield |
.000/.000/.000, 0 HR, 0 RBI, 0.0 WAR |
Shortstop Scott Brosnihan |
.305/.385/.499, 19 HR, 77 RBI, 4.4 WAR |
Left Field Keiran Rawnsley |
.363/.437/.642, 27 HR, 127 RBI, 5.1 WAR |
Center Field Tim Clarke |
.000/.000/.000, 0 HR, 0 RBI, 0.0 WAR |
Right Field Javier Penaloza |
.000/.000/.000, 0 HR, 0 RBI, 0.0 WAR |
Designated Hitter Chance Bill |
.000/.000/.000, 0 HR, 0 RBI, 0.0 WAR |