BNN Stats: Single-Season Records
Monday, November 21st , 2107
Who holds the single season record in the Midwest League for RBI?
Tony Torres, QUC, 157, 2068 Michael Ryan, BEL, 144, 1998 Jonathon Fasanello, WIS, 140, 2049 Chris Briggs, BEL, 134, 2042 Steve Coberley, WIS, 132, 2047
BNN Stats: Career Pitching Leaders
Monday, November 14th , 2107
Which pitchers are leading the Midwest League in career ERA?
Jayden Bernard, -, 2.79
BNN Stats: Single-Season Records
Monday, November 7th , 2107
Who holds the single season record in the Midwest League for isolated power (ISO)?
John Snyder, QUC, .4150, 2046 Andre Speight, WMI, .3780, 2058 Bruce Grimes, BGN, .3681, 2044 Ross Reeves, FWA, .3593, 2078 Jonathon Fasanello, WIS, .3478, 2049